The company LST GmbH, Lloyd Systemtechnik delivers all necessary products for a safe and reliable operation of synchronous machines in the range of 2…100MVA.
The main aim of the dynamic company LST GmbH, Lloyd Systemtechnik is to develop, manufacture and distribute products under economic aspects which meet the customer’s requirements, the current technical standards as well as ecological demands.
Our product range is based upon knowledge in engineering, designing and manufacturing of digital excitation systems.
Furthermore, we are able to design and deliver complex generator control cubicles including protection and synchronization. Of course, we also commission such systems.
Another focus of the company is the modernization and refitting of older excitation- and protection systems.
The wide range of our excitation systems and a broad spectrum of systems attributes allows almost every technical solution concerning new designs as well as modernizing and refitting excitation systems of other manufactures.
Our excitation systems are operated worldwide in industries such as:
- Combined heat and steam plants
- Emergency black start diesel engines
- Chemical industry
- Paper mills
- Petrochemical industry
- Waste incinerations
- Sugar industrial plants
- Hydro power plants